Access the ground via “Ilmailunkatu 11“, and parking at Pirkkahalli car park (Ilmailunkatu 10-12) – across the road!
Ground Location
Outdoor facilities
And just in case the Googlemaps doesn’t work, the Ilmailunkenttä ground is HERE (paikkatietoikkuna).
Bus: Reittiopas — when coming from Tampere centre => Ilmailunkatu (Stop ID: 2594) — trip time = ~12 minutes.
(And returning to centre = Stop ID: 2583)
Via Google maps & search:
- “hervanta cricket practice nets” = Parking via near “Lindforsinkatu 9” or via “Urheilijanpolku 16 (carpark)“
- “tampere cricket field” =
Indoor training
Currently: Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) (Kuntokatu 3)
(Bus from Keskustori, from Hervanta )
Normally: Hatanpääkoulu (Haapakuja 20) – reservation calendar
(Bus from Keskustori, from Hervanta )
Occasionally: Pohjois Hervannan koulu (Opiskelijankatu 29)
(Bus from Keskustori)
General travel/map info
All the major cricket locations in Finland (uses GoogleEarth).
Route calculator: HERE.COM [former OviMaps (i.e. Map24)] (Destination = “Salhojankatu 39, Tampere“)